Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Daisy's 1st Camp Out

Girl Scouts of Cass - Midway
Daisy's 1st Troop Camp Out

Summer is upon us and that means it's time for camping!!  Your Scout worked so hard this year to sell cookies and earn badges - now it's time to have some camping fun!!

Our camping theme this summer is - "The Beginning".

We will start with the camping basics. . . making a sit-upon, camp bandannas, learning about leave-no-trace camping, safety rules around a fire, nature hikes, first aid, flag ceremony, s'mores and so much more!!

During our camp out, your Scout will earn 3 participation patches.  Second year Daisy's will earn the Daisy Journey -Between Earth and Sky & bridging brownies will earn their very first Brownie Try-Its!

Friday, July 8th
10am - 4pm
"Preparing for Camp"
Camp Timberlake - Sunset View

Friday, July 22nd - Saturday, July 23rd
4pm Friday - 1pm Saturday
"Daisy's 1st Campout"
Camp Timberlake - Sunset View

Parents please arrive @ Noon on Saturday
for a Award & Bridging Ceremony!!

What to Bring Camping

Sleeping Bag or bedroll
Small pillow
Stuffed animal small enough to stay inside the sleeping bag
                -Sweat Shirt or Jacket
                -Long Pants
                -Socks and Under Garments
Towel and Washcloth
Mess Kit or Plastic ware with dunk bag
Flashlight with new batteries
Rain poncho
Insect Repellent (Non-aerosol)
Laundry bag
Tooth brush & tooth paste
Water Bottle

Please label all items to ensure they are returned to your scout.

Please leave at home:
I Pods or MP3 Players
Cell Phones
Anything Glass
Sandals or flip flops
NO food or candy

**All medications need to be brought to the leaders before departure.  They must be in their original container with name and dosage on them.**

Camping Newsletter

I am very excited to take your Girl Scout Camping!  But as a parent, I completely understand the worries that go along with sending them off to camp.  First off, I want you to know that all parents are welcomed at our camp.  We are allowed to have 30 people on the campsite during the day; however, we are limited on the amount of people we can have stay the night.  So because camp regulations state that only 15 people can stay the night, we must limit one adult per Girl Scout to camp stay the night with us.  I also ask that if you are camping with us that you be registered as a Girl Scout.  By filling out the Girl  Scout Registration and paying the $12 fee,  you are covered by insurance.  Otherwise any parent staying with us will have to purchase additional insurance through Girl Scouts.  Registering as a Girl Scout saves us a lot of time and money, so please consider it.  Financial Assistance is available.

Just F.Y.I. - The camp that we are camping at is Girl Scout owned property, so there is no smoking or tobacco use allowed on camp property.  If you are a smoker, you must leave the camp in order to smoke.  Also, no alcohol, illegal drugs or firearms are allowed on camp property.

Your daughter should help pack her own bags for camp.  Even Daisy Girl  Scouts  are able to do a lot of the work in packing her bags.  When she has to find things, it will be much easier if she has packed or at least taken an active part in helping pack her bags.  In addition, she will have to re-pack her bags when getting ready to leave camp and having the experience in the first place will be an advantage to her. 

Please stick to packing just the items on the "What to Bring" List.  Your Scouts won't need too much, so please pack light.  All vehicles must park at the camp entrance and campers are required to hike to the campsite.  And believe me, the hike to the campsite is up a pretty big hill.  Part of Girl Scout camp is making the Girls responsible for their own gear.  I know it's asking a lot to have Daisy's carry their gear up a large hill, but the lighter that the bags are the easier it will be for them (or you and me) to carry them!

It is also very important that the Scouts don't have anything in their bags that I don't know about.  Toys and electronic (even cell phones) have no use at camp, your Scout will be very busy and there won't be any time to play with toys.  Please do not pack food items!  I will have all the meals and snack foods that your Scout will need while at camp.  Little critters love sweet snacks in the middle of the night. . . and I don't want any late night visitors to our campsite.

We have registered and paid for our campsite through the Girl Scout Council, we only have the campsite from 8a-5p on Friday, July 8th and from 3pm on Friday, July 22nd until 2pm on Saturday, July 23rd.  Other scouts use the campsite before and after us, so it is important that we are on time arriving and departing camp.

Family Award Ceremony - Please join us at 12:00pm on Saturday for a small Award and Bridging Ceremony.  Come see what your Scout did on her camping trip and look back on the great year that we've had! 

And one last note. . . I will have my cell phone on me at all times at camp.  If there is an emergency and you need to be in contact with your Scout please call me.  Otherwise, I am prepared to handle any issue that arises with your Scout.  The fear of camping away from Mom & Dad and homesickness can be a lot for a Daisy Scout to handle.  I've dealt with it before and not many Scouts need to call home, but should any fear arise that I cannot fix, I will call you.  Sometimes the Girl just needs to hear Mom and Dad's voice to know that they are okay and sometimes Mom and Dad have to come get their Daisy.  But again, should this arise, I will call you and we will work out a plan for what's best for you and your Scout!  Please make sure that the permission form has the number that you can be reach at during the time we are at camp.  Nothing worse than not being able to get a hold of mom or dad.